

Local Fundraising Philantrophy

Study on traditional and cultural philanthropy in Burkina Faso


Original report in French, with translation in English.
Burkina Faso is one of the countries participating in the Change the Game Academy and in the Giving for Change programme. This study is intended as a support to this programme.
The study provides:
1) An overview of the history of traditional and cultural philanthropy in Burkina Faso
2) A review of traditional and cultural philanthropy today’s Burkina Faso
3) A review of the contribution of local grant resources and the extent of local grants in relation to endogenous development in Burkina Faso
4) Indicators that will capture the learning and change that the programme aims to achieve.


This is an important study: recommended reading. We’d like to stress the final conclusion:
“A real culture of giving should be encouraged and put in place, based on a development dynamic rather than an emergency situation, and an appropriate policy and legal framework should be developed to promote local philanthropy with tax incentives for businesses. In addition, strengthening the accountability mechanisms of fundraising organisations is necessary to increase their trustworthiness among donors.” (p.47)



Author: Praxis Consulting

Publisher/source/organization: ABF (Association Burkinabè de Fundraising); Change the Game Academy

Place and year of issue: Ouagadougou 2022

Type: Research report

Country/region: Africa Burkina Faso

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