Mobilising Support

The Gambia, Metzy Hotel
Type d'évènement
Cours en classe

Mobilising Support (MS) is a course in which you learn to claim specific rights from local authorities or institutes. During the course, you will make a plan in which you identify your opponents and your allies and plan your activities.
The course will enable learners to claim their economic and social rights, with relevant parties (domestic elites, companies, government, and so on). They learn how to apply for correct policy implementation at the local level and to cooperate with local duty bearers on an issue that is of direct importance to them. After the course, participants will have a thorough practical plan which they can implement.
The course is particularly suitable for Community Based Organisations, Self-Help Groups and small Non-Governmental Organisations.

Licensed local trainers will conduct the training.

22 June 2024: Leaders
1st to 5th July 2024: Mobilising Support Course(5days)
August to September 2024: Coaching
October 2024: Skills course(3days)
October to December 2024: Coaching
December 2024: Graduate course (2days)

Costs: for one person: D6400.00, this includes training from professional trainers, training location, lodging and food, coaching.

We advise Organisations to delegate two persons to the training.

For more information please contact:
Tel: 002203991297