Exemple de Mobilisation du soutien:
Water source in Kutbwoho

Organisation Gulu NGO Forum
Site web www.gulungoforum.org
Pays Uganda
Type NGO
Thème Water and Sanitation


Gulu NGO Forum was established in 2001 as an umbrella organisation for civil society actors in Gulu district. As they are very much involved in policy advocacy and building its members' capacity, they decided to participate in a classroom course on Mobilising support offered by Change the Game Academy partner UNNGOF, in order to enhance their own knowledge and capacities on this subject. One of the new techniques they learned, the fireplace conversation to analyse a communities' problems and the possible solution of these issues, was successfully employed in this example.

Analyse du problème

Due to the breakdown of the government dug borehole, the community members of Kutbwobo were accessing unclean water from the nearby river Unyama which exposed them to a lot of risks including water-borne diseases. This river was being shared by both the community and cattle.
Women were troubled to walk long distances in search of water and had to spend most of their time in this effort.
The fireplace conversation organised by the Gulu NGO Forum in the village of Kutbwobo was a stark reminder that the community could do more than it is doing now.

Analyse de la solution

Refurbishing of the water sources in the community; rehabilitating the boreholes.
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