
Annual Implementation Plan


An annual implementation plan is a plan which outlines exactly how you will be reaching your goals for the year, and who in your team is responsible for that outcomes. It links strategic goals and objectives to tactical goals and objectives. It describes milestones, conditions of success and explains how or what portion of a strategic plan will be put into operation during a given operational period. It also includes budgetting.


This toolkit is relevant for you when your organisation:

  • has a strategic plan for the next few years and needs to break it down into a detailed quarterly plan for the next year.
  • needs to plan for the next year and set clear goals to be achieved.
  • needs to budget for activities planned.

La finalité

In eight steps this toolkit will assist you in creating an annual implementation plan (with budget) for your organisation in a simple and easy way. Here you’ll find a step-by-step guide, tools, examples and other resources for making this plan.

Ce que vous obtenez

Know how:

  • an overview of how to create an annual implementation plan step-by-step
  • a nonprofit annual implementation plan sample
  • a template to create a budget for the annual implementation plan

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Change the Game Academy cours en ligne Mobilisation des ressources local, Mobilisation du soutien, boîtes à outils, exemples et centre des ressources crée par Wilde Ganzen Foundation est autorisé sous une Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.