
Change Management


Change management is thoughtfully and carefully re-aligning the organisation to adapt to wishes of beneficiaries, new technologies, sector changes, new government policies, shifting donor markets etcetera.


The toolkit change management might be useful for you when there is:

    • an introduction of a new government policy
    • a change in the funding market
    • a change in needs of the beneficiaries
    • relevant new technology

La finalité

In nine steps, we assist you in getting your team on board, clearly mapping out what and how changes are to be made, and making sure proposed changes are implemented. Here you’ll find a step-by-step guide, tools, examples and other resources for managing change.

Ce que vous obtenez

Know how:

  • an overview of how to manage change step-by-step
  • an eight month transition plan from an NGO
  • a simple guide to change management
  • Succesfully transforming NGOs (e-book from PwC Foundation)

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy cours en ligne Mobilisation des ressources local, Mobilisation du soutien, boîtes à outils, exemples et centre des ressources crée par Wilde Ganzen Foundation est autorisé sous une Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.