

Mobilising Support Miscellaneous

The Public Benefit Organizations Act, 2013


An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment and operation of public benefit organisations; to provide for their registration; to establish an administrative and regulatory framework within which public benefit organisations can conduct their affairs and for connected purposes


This is the full text of the law governing PBOs in Kenya. As such, it can be very useful for readers from other countries too. As an example, especially when striving for the establishment of regulations in countries where such laws still do not exist, or are more restrictive / less favourable concerning PBOs.


Public benefit organizations (PBO)

Author: N.a.

Publisher/source/organization: Kenya Government

Place and year of issue: Nairobi, Kenya 2013

Type: Law

Country/region: Worldwide Kenya

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PublicBenefit_OrganizationAct2013No18of2013 >>

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