
Job Description


A job description is a detailed description of what responsibilities an employee is expected to handle and what tasks are assigned to him/her. It is important to ensure that every task needed in the organisation is assigned to a specific employee. Job descriptions serve as an important recruitment, orientation and performance appraisal tool.


This toolkit is useful for an organisation which:

  • needs clarity on tasks and roles, especially in situations when staff is overloaded or tasks are not divided equally.
  • hires new employees and needs job descriptions.
  • want to create or modify job descriptions of the staff.

O que você pode esperar

In six steps we will support you to evaluate roles and tasks of current and new employees and to (re)design job descriptions for the involved persons. Here you’ll find a step-by-step overview, tools, examples and other resources for establishing and (re)designing job descriptions.

O que você terá

Know how:

  • an overview of how to define roles and responsibilities of a function and design job descriptions step-by-step
  • a job description for an institutional fundraising officer
  • a job description for a special educator
  • a job description of a coordinator education youth and child
  • the functions-outline-tool to establish roles and responsibilities in an organisation
  • the RASCI Matrix to identify gaps and overlap in roles and responsibilities

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Change the Game Academy cursos on-line Mobilização de recursos locais, Incidência política, ferramentas de apoio, exemplos e centro de recursos criado por Wilde Ganzen Foundation está licenciado sob uma Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.