


A newsletter is a publication generally about one main topic and a few sub-topics that is regularly distributed (weekly, monthly or quarterly) to donors, partners, volunteers, followers etc. It gives an overview of the organisation’s activities and achievements.


This toolkit is of interest when your organisation:

  • is in need of marketing collaterals in order to spread it's message to supporters with a hope that this will generate better engagement and more supporters.
  • needs a marketing collateral that can be distributed to a group of interested people to inform them about their programs, events and future plans.

O que você pode esperar

In eight steps this toolkit assists you in creating a newsletter. Here you’ll find a step-by-step guide, tools, examples and other resources for creating a newsletter for your organisation. 

O que você terá

Know how:

  • an overview of how to create a newsletter step-by-step
  • a style and format guide for a newsletter
  • a simple online based newsletter
  • a checklist for creating a newsletter 

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy cursos on-line Mobilização de recursos locais, Incidência política, ferramentas de apoio, exemplos e centro de recursos criado por Wilde Ganzen Foundation está licenciado sob uma Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.