
Module 4: Corporate donors

This module deals with the main elements of raising funds and other contributions from companies.


Fundraising can be done with many types of donors. For many organisations individual donors are the key target group. But companies can also be an important source of income and support. To become successful at fundraising with companies you need to understand that different types of companies have different motives and options for giving. And know how to make the appropriate Ask.

What you get

Know how:

  • what are the motives for giving for different types of companies
  • what is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • listing the needs of your organisation for which you can ask support from a company
  • a step-by-step guide on how to approach companies
  • how to organise yourself to raise funds effectively 
  • After finishing this module and passing a brief exam, you can download an accredited NCOI University of Applied Science (Netherlands) certificate for free.

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy e-learning courses Local Fundraising, Mobilising Support, toolkits, examples and resource center by Wilde Ganzen Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.