On this page we gathered resources of which we hope they will help and inspire you.
Of each resource we made a summary and included a download or a link.
You can search on keyword by using the drop-down menu or simply scroll down the page and see what is interesting to you.
local fundraisingmobilising support
local fundraising and mobilising support
Choose a keyword to show only the resources with that keyword:
Social Activism Social Movements Civic space
Proposal writing
Social Media
Social accountability
Corporate Social Responsibility
Civil Society Organisations Sustainability
COVID-19 Civil society organisations
COVID-19 Civil Society Organisations
COVID-19 Civil Society Organisations
Civil Society Organisations COVID-19 CSO and Government CSO and Funders
Civil Society organisations COVID-19
Domestic resource mobilisation
Women Environment
Women Civil Society Organisations Case studies
Fundraising innovations
African Philanthropy Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Statistics
Fundraising innovations
Civil society organisations
Project Proposals
Advertising Fundraising
Community Philanthropy Partnerships and Networking Advocacy
Communication techniques
Learning resources
Knowledge dissemination tools
Public benefit organizations (PBO)
Community philanthropy
African philanthropy CSO law
Community Philanthropy Social investment examples
CSO law
Philanthropy Community philanthropy CSO and funders
Community Philanthropy Volunteering Statistics
Philanthropy Tax reduction Public Benefit Organisations (PBO)
African Philanthropy CSO and government CSO law Domestic resource mobilisation Fundraising Knowledge dissemination tools Partnerships and networking
African Philanthropy Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Donor relations Donors, international Learning resources Localisation agenda Partnerships and networking Philanthropy Power shifting
Partnerships and networking Advocacy African Philanthropy
Partnerships and networking African Philanthropy Fundraising examples Fundraising innovations
African Philanthropy
Mutual support Community philanthropy
African Philanthropy Case studies Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Faith-based giving
Advocacy African Philanthropy Women Partnerships and networking
Masterclass fundraising
African Philanthropy Community philanthropy CSO law Domestic resource mobilisation Knowledge dissemination tools Partnerships and networking
Community philanthropy Community-led development Domestic resource mobilisation
African Philanthropy Philanthropy
Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Donor relations Donors, international Philanthropy
African Philanthropy Community philanthropy Women Women and youth leadership
CSO and funders
Corporate Donors
Donors, international
Fundraising Fundraising examples
Faith-based Giving
Donors, international CSO and funders
Fundraising Civil society organisations
Project Proposals
Community Philanthropy
Community-led development
Civil society organisations
Advocacy Shift the Power Campaigning
Community Philanthropy Shift the power Community-led development
Localisation Agenda Shift the Power Community Philanthropy
Leadership transition
Community philanthropy Community-led development
Civil Society Organisations Community-led development CSO and funders Domestic resource mobilisation Donor relations Donors, international Learning resources Partnerships and networking Power shifting Shift The Power
Shift The Power Partnerships and networking
Sustainability Civil Society Organisations
Fundraising tools Donor relations CSO and funders
Technology for Development Women & Youth Leadership Civil Society Organisations