

Local Fundraising Mobilising Support Philantrophy

From “Innovation for Localization” to “Local Philanthropy, Localization and Power” A learning report on collaboration across systems


This report tells the story of an experimental project embarked upon by an “unusual alliance” of five civil society and international development actors, the purpose of which was to test the potential of new kinds of institutional arrangements, partnerships, and approaches as a strategy for advancing the
localization agenda and shifting power. It was originally written as an internal learning document for those involved in the project, with the aim of surfacing some of the dynamics – both the blockers and the enablers – that can arise when diverse actors, each with their different frameworks, narratives, and assumptions, come together in the spirit of collaboration and of “weaving the new.” The report considers both the experiences and reactions of the individuals involved, as well as the institutional
relationships between the different actors, and particular parts of the system – and the types of power – they represent.

In 2021, five organizations – Save the Children Denmark, Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR), West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI), STAR Ghana Foundation (SGF) and the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) participated in an ambitious and experimental joint project.
The aim of the project was to “test durable, locally rooted funding mechanisms” in Somalia and Ghana, with the broader purpose of contributing – by demonstration – to efforts within the international humanitarian aid and development sector to transform and localize aid.
An additional dimension of the project was the exploration of community philanthropy in the context of such mechanisms.


This paper is a synthesis of a very significant project of collaboration between very different actors, with a shared purpose to promote the wellbeing of communities in Somalia and Ghana.
It is all about the tension between what is called the ‘dominant system’ and the ‘emergent system’ (see page 10), and how to overcome them.
On page 20, there is a list of knowledge resources produced under the project: case studies, webinars and videos of an online conference on the subject.
Important reading.


African Philanthropy Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Donor relations Donors, international Learning resources Localisation agenda Partnerships and networking Philanthropy Power shifting

Author: n.a.

Publisher/source/organization: The Global Fund for Community Foundations

Place and year of issue: Johannesburg September 2022

Type: Learning report

Country/region: Africa

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From Innovation for Localization to Local Philanthropy Localization and Power >>

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