

Local Fundraising Sustainability

FundsforNGOs Grants and Resources for Sustainability


“fundsforNGOs is a social enterprise established with the purpose of increasing the sustainability of NGOs across the world. We accomplish this by providing online resources for NGOs to increase their awareness and access to donors, resources, and skills. We use technology to spread knowledge from our experienced fundraising experts to NGOs around the world and increase their capacity.

fundsforNGOs is not a funding organization. We do not provide grants. We also do not fundraise or write proposals but provide the resources NGOs need to learn how to provide these services themselves.

fundsforNGOs believes that no intervention can be successful unless the implementing organization has sustainable resources to work over a longer period of time. By presenting funding opportunities from around the world and providing tools supporting organizational growth, we hope to play our part in creating a better world.” (homepage: about us)


This organisation, based in New York, provides an enormous array of information about items important for NGOs: funding opportunities, how-to tools, etc.
Full membership costs US$ 99.99 a year.
Can be very useful, but the amount of information is also bewildering.


Fundraising tools Donor relations CSO and funders

Author: n.a.

Publisher/source/organization: FUNDSFORNGOS LLC, 140 Broadway 46th Floor, New York, NY 10005, United States

Place and year of issue: New York

Type: Website

Country/region: Worldwide

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