Local Fundraising
Local philanthropy provides great avenues to scale up development in Africa. It is however highly
undocumented leaving stakeholders with limited access to information on the potentials of local
philanthropy in Africa.
STAR-Ghana Foundation and the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) commissioned this study in an effort to bridge the knowledge gap on local giving in Africa and the potential it has to scale up development on the continent.
The objective of this report was threefold:
i. To identify and document best practices on local giving from existing research and practices/
models in Africa and how they can be applicable in the Ghanaian context.
ii. To review and document the role of ECOWAS and the African Continental Free Trade Area
(AfCFTA) in facilitating local giving in Ghana.
iii. To highlight significant developments and trends for the future of local giving and offer ways
to build on them.
Included in the report are case studies from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Uganda, South Africa and Nigeria.
This research report is one of the products of the 2021-2025 Giving for Change programme.
The Giving for Change (GfC) Alliance is led by an international consortium of organizations that share a commitment to community-led development through community and domestic philanthropy. The consortium includes the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF), the African Philanthropy Network (APN), the Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF), and Wilde Ganzen (WG). Together, they are working to implement a five-year programme across eight partner countries: Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Brazil, and Palestine.
The report is recommended reading, because it is full of inspiring examples. It emphasizes the importance of exchanging ideas and practices of community giving.
African Philanthropy Case studies Community philanthropy Domestic resource mobilisation Faith-based giving
Author: Lead Researcher: Christian Elongué, Kabod Group; Assistant Researchers: Dr. Narcisse Fomekong (Kabod Group) and John Obuaba
Publisher/source/organization: The West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI), and STAR-Ghana Foundation
Place and year of issue: Accra 2024
Type: Research report [Unkown]
Country/region: Africa Ghana, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa