

Local Fundraising Mobilising Support Shifting the Power

Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) website


“The GFCF is a grassroots grantmaker working to promote and support institutions of community philanthropy around the world. Our long term goal is to embed the practice and paradigm of community philanthropy as a cornerstone of a new architecture for effective, locally owned and locally driven development that shifts power and voice to the community level.”
The website of CFCF has five main entries: What we stand for; What we do; Knews & Knowledge; About us; Advisory Services.
CFCF works with “[…] individual community foundations and other local grantmakers and their networks around the world, with a particular focus on the Global South and Central and Eastern Europe.”
It’s three core objectives are:
“1 To build institutional capacity (through the provision of small grants and technical assistance) among community philanthropy organizations to enable them to build social and financial capital and enhance local decision making processes in their communities.
2 To promote collaboration and networks which advance the field of community philanthropy to increase their effectiveness.
3 To influence and build the relationship between the community philanthropy field and policy makers, governments and international development agencies.”


GFCF is a small organisation in Johannesburg at the service of community organisations worldwide. With a yearly budget of about one million UK pounds, in the fiscal year April 2019 – March 2020 it supported 30 local initiatives of institutional development and strengthening community leadership, in 22 countries. Communities can apply for a grant:
https://globalfundcommunityfoundations.org/what-we-do/grants/ , but should read the conditions carefully. GFCF also offers advice and specific consultancies.

The website offers interesting reading on the concept of Community Philanthropy and examples of successful projects on enhancing the effectiveness of local communities and the sustainability of the work of Community Organisations. It also refers to related content on the debate on ShiftThePower.


Community Philanthropy Shift the power Community-led development

Author: various

Publisher/source/organization: Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF)

Place and year of issue: Johannesburg, South Africa and Belfast, UK

Type: Website

Country/region: Worldwide

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