

Local Fundraising Philantrophy

Report of Independent Study of the Status of Philanthropy in Tanzania


The Foundation for Civil Society (https://thefoundation.or.tz/) is an independent Tanzanian Not-For-Profit Organization that provides grants and capacity building services to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to enhance their effectiveness. FCS together with the Tanzania Philanthropy Forum (TPF) have been working to strengthen the philanthropy movement in Tanzania. Although Tanzania has in recent years seen significant improvements to its national development data and infrastructure, accurate and dependable data on the philanthropy sector remains scarce and fragmented.
FCS and TPF engaged Strategic Connections Ltd., to undertake a survey on the state of philanthropy actors in Tanzania. TPF wishes to use the survey outcomes as a tool for shared learning across the sector, joint advocacy among key actors, and as a guideline for further development of the philanthropic sector.


Interesting report of a study about philanthropy in Tanzania. An important conclusion is:
“While the number of Tanzanians that give to charitable causes is on the rise, the actual amounts generated from the general public (communities, individuals) are often much lower than those by the few high net-worth philanthropists. Similarly, the amount of externally generated resources for philanthropy far outstrips that which is locally generated. Subsequently, the local giving potential in Tanzania is still relatively untapped. Key challenges revolve around limited information, trust, incentives, besides unsupportive attitudes.”

The report contains various valid recommendations in order to strengthen philanthropy in Tanzania.
230 mainly small NGOs and communities participated in the study. They are all listed at the end of the report.



Author: N.a.

Publisher/source/organization: Strategic Connections Limited; www.sclkenya.com

Place and year of issue: Nairobi, Kenya 2018

Type: Research report

Country/region: Tanzania

More information

The website and report >>

Report of Independent Study of the Status of Philanthropy in Tanzania >>

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