

Local Fundraising Philantrophy



Website: https://www.philanthropyfundraising.eu/
“Great Fundraising: Increase your income and unite your organisation.
Philanthropy & Fundraising International can help you to become a Great Fundraising organisation –
one where everyone is focused and energised on fundraising to achieve long-term sustainable growth.
What is Great Fundraising and who is it for?
Great Fundraising is a philosophy of income growth based on sustainability, mission based communications and donor satisfaction. Its foundations are in academic research and its superstructure grows with learnings from an increasingly successful client base.
It is hard to achieve, but it works.
Our clients get financial results, achieve inspirational cultural change and increase their ability to deliver their mission.
Sign-up to one of our seminars to make Great Fundraising a reality for your organisation.”


This is an organisation based in Scotland, offering masterclasses, both online and in-situ, and publications on fundraising. It has several donor organisations in Europe as clients.
The masterclasses now offered cost about one thousand euro (online), or twice this amount when in Scotland. For the publications you need to subscribe, after which you get information on new publications. These may come at a cost (we did not try out).
Under the entry ‘Research’, you will find a few blogs related to fundraising, with some tips and tricks that can be accessed free of charge: https://www.philanthropyfundraising.eu/research These blogs can be found under the title ‘articles’, just below the invitation to subscribe to ‘The Great Fundraising Research’.


Masterclass fundraising

Author: Various

Publisher/source/organization: Philanthropy & Fundraising Europe Ltd.

Place and year of issue: Fort Augustus, Scotland (UK)

Type: Website


More information

The main website >>

The research section >>

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