
Module 5: Fundraising plan for a project

A fundraising plan for a project is the key moment to integrate all your project ideas, fundraising techniques and donor projections. Learn all the must-do steps for success.
Please note that in this module, you will write your own fundraising plan. Therefore, it is not advisable to do this course on your mobile phone.


A fundraising plan is the road map that defines your goals, methods and actions. It’s the document that will transform your ideas into realistic activities.

What you get

Know how:

  • how to write a detailed fundraising plan for a project of your choice
  • a format with instructions for developing a solid fundraising plan
  • After finishing this module and passing a brief exam, you can download an accredited NCOI University of Applied Science (Netherlands) for free.

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy e-learning courses Local Fundraising, Mobilising Support, toolkits, examples and resource center by Wilde Ganzen Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.