Know How

Crisis Communication Plan

Step 4: Information and materials

Before communicating anything, you need to assess the situation. In other words: you need to get the facts before you decide what needs to be communicated. And perhaps equally important, what can better be left out.

Questions you can ask yourself are:

  • What is the most important problem?
  • What could be the consequences?
  • What are the first steps that need to be taken?
  • Who needs to be involved within my organisation: your crisis communication team and spokesperson
  • Who needs to be involved outside my organisation?
  • Who will be affected?
  • What are the feelings/emotions regarding the situation?
  • What questions could people have? Make a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • What answers will we give?
  • Who needs to be informed?
  • How are we going to get the message out?
  • What media are we going to use?
  • Who will monitor in what media what is being said about us?
  • Do we need legal advice?

Use this download to create your own Crisis Communication Plan: Crisis communication plan