Know How

Social Media

Step 3: which platform?

After you made clear for yourself what your target group is, you can look at the several available options and select what works for you. In this toolkit we give a short description of the two most popular channels: Facebook and Twitter. Click on the words to see a full description.

As you can see, they are aimed at different audiences. Before deciding on either one, make a list of your needs and wishes and compare those with the pros and cons.

Of course there are more channels than just Facebook and Twitter.

Also through WhatsApp and Instagram you can fundraise innovatively: listen to this great story of Tawakalit Kareem from the Butterfly Project Nigeria.

Click on the ‘More Social Media’ button to see a short overview of several other options, and watch the tutorial below if you're interested in using Instagram for your nonprofit organisation.

More social media

Tutorial Instagram for Nonprofits