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Social media is the collective name for all online media on which you can share information and that ask for interaction through the internet. Many people use social media for private purposes, but it can also be very interesting for NGOs and social businesses, especially because so many people are involved in one or more social media platforms.
One of the most attractive parts of social media is that with little to no financial investment, you can reach a large audience. Furthermore, it is very easy for people to share your posts and spread your message. But if you want to start or improve your social media use, it is a good idea to follow a few key rules. We will help you to use social media better. Watch this micro course video below to understand the four principles of accelerating your digital transformation.
Through social media you can fundraise innovatively, even during the COVID-19 crisis: listen to this great story of Tawakalit Kareem from the Butterfly Project Nigeria.