
Local fundraising example:
Launch of 'A small act Jamii'

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Charity tea, lunch or dinner



Net fin result (€)




Time investment

27,5 days

Organisation Hilde Back Education Fund
Website http://www.hildebackeducationfund.com/
Type Trust
Suitability Starting organisation
Country Kenya
Funding needed for Scholarships for bright, but needy pupils of secondary schools
Period of action October 3rd, 2018, in honour of Ms. Hilde Back’s 96th birthday
In-kind donations raised

Types of donations


Types of donors

Board members, current and former beneficiaries and their parents/guardians, local fundraising coach, friends


When Swedish school teacher Hilde Back sponsored a young, rural Kenyan student, she thought nothing of it. She certainly never expected to hear from him, but years later she does. Now a Harvard graduate and a Human Rights Lawyer for the United Nations, Chris Mburu decides to find the stranger that changed his life. Inspired by her generosity, he starts a scholarship programme of his own and names it for his former benefactor.
“A Small Act Jamii” was coined from the Emmy award documentary that focused on the story of Ms. Hilde Back and Chris Mburu. This documentary opened many doors for Hilde Back Education Fund (HBEF), and they were able to receive funding that helped them to support children from less privileged backgrounds into secondary education.
HBEF, having participated in the local fundraising training course offered by Change the Game Academy, their perspective on foreign donor dependence and sustainability has shifted. They learned tangible skills in coming up with various ways to raise funds locally to support the education fund and the needy children as well. This is how 'A Small Act Jamii' was born.

Tips and lessons learned

1. Huge potential in local fundraising especially among the direct beneficiaries.
2. Importance of all staff owning up the activity.
3. Importance of clear allocation of duties.
4. Importance of follow-up after event to ensure successful outcome.
1. Some guests not turning up even after confirmation.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

The beautiful story behind this project is a strong fundraising instrument in itself. When the story was turned into a documentary, Hilde Back Education Fund successfully used it to raise funds from different sources, mainly foreign. By participating in the Local Fundraising course, offered by Change the Game Academy, HBEF realised the importance of a solid local base, as a prerequisite for reliable financial and other forms of support. Through 'A small act Jamii' initiative HBEF hopes to lay that foundation. A strong point is the involvement of past and current beneficiaries and their parents/guardians.

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