
Local fundraising example:
Self-sustainability through social enterprise

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Major donor fundraising
Sales of products


Rural and Urban

Net fin result (€)




Time investment

283 days

Organisation Malaika Orphanage Foundation
Website http://www.malaika-kids.org/int
Type NGO
Suitability More experienced
Country Tanzania
Funding needed for Livestock keeping (fish and chickens) for self-sustainability
Period of action January to December 2021
In-kind donations raised


Types of donations

Catfish and chickens

Types of donors

A local well-wisher


Malaika Kids is for the majority of their expenses depending on donors from abroad. They would love to develop their own sources of income and be able to cover the kids’ educational and other living costs themselves, because they expect that foreign funding will nog last forever. Their plan is to become more independent through the creation of social enterprises. These projects will generate income for their work and teach the kids valuable skills for when they grow up and leave Malaika Kids.

Tips and lessons learned

Lesson learned
a. We learned that it is easy to manage this kind of project as challenges are limited.
b. Keeping more chickens and fish will have more economic benefits than keeping a few chickens like we did.
Challenges we encountered
a. Some chickens died from diseases. So we were unable to sell as we expected.
b. During summer rains, the water reservoir flooded; as a result some fish escaped so we got less fish.
c. We have a very small chicken shed. This in future shall limit the growth of the project.
d. We got chickens and fish without initial capital for acquiring feeds and medications. So we really struggled to cover these expenses.
Tips to share
We have already learnt that we are able to overcome challenges. We would love to do more next year. So we will seek more donations to extend the chicken shed, get more chickens and fish and initial capital for feeds. That way we can do more and get more of the kids' requirements, but most importantly strengthen our self-sustainability programme.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is a very special example as it does not speak of fundraising for a project, but for an entire programme. The organisation, Malaika Kids, aims at self-sustainability and manages this through social enterprise and local fundraising. They are supported by related charities in The Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States, with funds and volunteers. Most of you will be working on a smaller scale. But even then it is worth considering whether part of the income that your organisation needs cannot simply be earned through an income-generating activity.

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