
Local fundraising example:
Raising funds for food relief

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Fundraising with corporations
Fundraising with individuals
Online/media fundraising


Rural and Urban

Net fin result (€)




Time investment

24 days

Organisation Lango Civil Society Network
Website https://langocivilsocietynetwork.org/
Type NGO
Suitability More experienced
Country Uganda
Funding needed for Food for famine stricken population of Otuke
Period of action August - September 2022
In-kind donations raised


Types of donations

Cash, in-kind and voluntary work

Types of donors

CSOs, religious groups, business men, community, Local Council


All people have a right to life, but this right is threatened when communities get affected by floods, drought and famine.
Of late, famine has been reported as a social problem in some parts of Uganda, with Karamoja sub region being worst affected. Otuke District lies in the Eastern part of Lango Sub region and borders Abim District in Karamoja Sub region. With the Karamojong influx in Okwong Town Council in Otuke district, more than 15,000 people in the District were hit by famine that claimed the lives of at least 2 people.
Lango Civil Society Network is committed to human rights protection and when citizens die of hunger, the need to respond is urgent. 
Together with a large number of stakeholders, emergency rations were collected and distributed, while the group also helped the affected population regain independence in the medium term and somewhat further into the future.

Tips and lessons learned

1. People are always willing to help for charity as long as they understand the cause.
2. Choice of team. The team at the frontline was credible and had a good reputation in the community. This further encouraged people to give since they trusted the people mobilising the food items. Use of youth, who were able to use bicycles to distribute to some areas.
3. Frequent meetings: This enabled the team get feedback and strategize.
4. Support from media with daily updates encouraged people to give to the cause.
5. Different approaches like football match, road drives, radio appeals, one to one appeals to factories engaged the community more towards giving.
6. Availability of data at the District offices on the magnitude/numbers affected by famine. We had go on ground to do research to find out the magnitude so that we could collect enough items.
7. Politicisation : Top politicians in this area thought that the collection drive was a political move from opponents.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is an example of what a community is capable of accomplishing in times of emergency. Confronted with drought and famine in their region, Lango Civil Society Network took the initiative to come to the aid of the worst affected. In only a short period of time they managed to mobilise and distribute relief goods worth 163.500.000 Ugandan shillings. Less than a quarter of this sum was donated in cash. That makes this a great example of in-kind fundraising. The 'Tips and lessons' learned are also worth looking at. They describe the elements that turned this campaign into a success , but also the difficulties that you face in a situation like this.

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