
Local fundraising example:
Bazaar coupon for children needing medical care

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Fundraising with corporations
Online/media fundraising



Net fin result (€)




Time investment

114 days, 10 staffs and 17 volunteers

Organisation Kolewa Harapan Indonesia
Website https://www.kolewa.com/id/
Type NGO
Suitability Slightly experienced
Country Indonesia
Funding needed for Mattresses and cleft lip surgeries
Period of action 13 June - 5 October 2023
In-kind donations raised


Types of donations

Financial donations, purchase of coupons

Types of donors

Individual donors, government


This is the story of an organisation operating on Bali and the adjacent islands. A local fundraising training, conducted by Satunama, the Indonesian member of the Change the Game Academy alliance, expanded their experiences, revealing the incredible fundraising opportunities in Indonesia due to the extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit of the people. The training emphasized the need for organisations to be self-reliant and not solely dependent on foreign funding.

“To become an independent foundation requires a process. Financial aspects are crucial in an organisation. The funds we collect in Indonesia, when compared to foreign currencies, are relatively small. We save the funds received from foreign sources by depositing them. In terms of finances, it cannot happen immediately; it is indeed a gradual process.” – Anna, the executive director of Kolewa Harapan Indonesia, says.

Tips and lessons learned

1. Financial management involves depositing foreign funds and forming a Local Fundraising team. Annual policy plans guide expense categorisation for effective financial planning.
2. Building networks with local businesses involves legal preparations and forming committees. Our Coupon bazaar with Ayam Goreng collaboration yielded substantial profits. Efficient outreach through known connections and social media.
3. Regular reports to the Department of Social Affairs and donors ensure transparency. Audits are conducted for financial accountability.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

Kolewa's movements showcase the potential of local fundraising. Their emphasis on collaboration with local businesses, such as the Ayam Goreng partnership, provides an example for neighbouring regions to explore similar opportunities. Additionally, diversifying fundraising channels, as demonstrated by Kolewa through kitabisa.com, adds flexibility and reliability to fundraising efforts. Kolewa's LFR success emphasizes local engagement, systematic planning, and diversified fundraising as key elements for non-profit organisations striving for self-sufficiency.

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