
Local fundraising example:
Staff and members contribute to rehabilitation centre

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Fundraising with corporations
Fundraising with individuals



Net fin result (€)




Time investment

Organisation Zanzibar Youth Forum
Website http://www.zanzibaryouthforum.org/
Type NPO (Non-Profit Organisation)
Suitability Starting organisation
Country Tanzania
Funding needed for Running costs of rehabilitation centre and farm for income generation
Period of action Since July 2018
In-kind donations raised

By using their resource mobilisation skills the team has also been able to get free technical support, especially from a number of agencies in the agricultural sector. The centre has also been using volunteers from within Zanzibar and overseas, which helped to cut some running costs.

Types of donations

Financial, technical support, volunteer time

Types of donors

Staff and members of Zanzibar Youth Forum People's Bank of Zanzibar Government


Zanzibar Youth Forum runs a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in the vecinity of Stone Town, the historical trade town in Zanzibar.
Rehabilitation takes time. The victims of drug abuse may sometimes stay for more than six months. During that time the affected youth need shelter, food, clothing, medication and utilities such as water and electricity. ZYF needs money for the running costs of the centre.
Often the youth get into drug abuse because of idleness and lack of job. For that reason the centre also needs resources to train them to engage in small income generation activities such as farming and animal keeping to support them to live a productive life after recovery.
Zanzibar Youth Forum has been mobilising local support to sustain and run this centre which is one of only 8 in Zanzibar.

Tips and lessons learned

1. A Change the Game Academy Local Fundraising classroom training really helps to develop your personal and organisational fundraising skills. ZYF Programme Manager Mr. Almas Mohamedi who attended this training in July 2018 notes: ‘‘During the training sessions I learned how to organise the team for resource mobilisation activities, how to identify donors, the purpose of resource mobilisation, how to prepare resource mobilisation activities, and how to engage potential supporters."
2. 'Charity begins at home' has proved to be an effective fundraising instrument. Staff and members now contribute to the organisation, which has attracted the attention of other potential donors, such as a bank and the government.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

The organisation recognises that for local resource mobilisation to be effective you should start with commitment from within — as they say: charity starts at home. So they introduced a procedure where staff contributes 5% of their salary to the organisation project fund. Also, they set up plans for members to contribute 5% of their per diems earned when they attend meetings, seminars and training. Further, about 120 members have committed to support this initiative with their contributions. As a result in the past financial year ZYF mobilised TZS 11,056,284 to support their activities including the centre. The ability to raise funds locally attracted the attention (and support) of the People's Bank of Zanzibar and the government. Moreover several agencies promised free technical support mostly in the agricultural sector. An excellent result. Zanzibar Youth Forum can look at the future with confidence.

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