
Local fundraising example:
Toukan festival

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Festival / fair
Fundraising with corporations
Fundraising with individuals



Net fin result (€)




Time investment

Approximately 180 days

Organisation Fondation Yirikan
Website https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085579523201
Type CBO
Suitability Slightly experienced
Country Burkina Faso
Funding needed for Organisation of the Toukan festival
Period of action 17 - 21 December 2022
In-kind donations raised


Types of donations

Cash: approximately nine million (9,000,000) CFA francs. In-kind: approximately 1 million fifty thousand (1,050,000) CFA francs

Types of donors

Companies, individuals


The Toukan festival took place from 17 to 21 December 2022, with 30 young people receiving training in film-making (scriptwriting and directing) from 2 to 4 December, in support of the fight to protect the environment.
Some fifteen donors, including 6 new ones, contributed in cash and in-kind to make this event possible.
The wide range of activities attracted many visitors from the region and beyond.
Given the success of this first ecological festival, Yirikan immediately started preparing the second version, scheduled for December 2023.

Tips and lessons learned

1. Whatever you want to do, you have to be committed and convinced, and willing to work with others (call on outside expertise) - "alone we go fast, but together we go far". Hence the creation of a permanent festival secretariat with volunteers (people who are not members of the association but who have made a significant contribution).
2. Daring to ask potential local donors, who are often only too happy to help. For us this had a twofold result: the donation of resources but also assistance in implementing the project from start to finish. They even coached us to get in touch with other donors.
3. It's very important to get to know your potential donor in order to prepare the speech that will convince him or her.
4. Failures are not failures but lessons for the next session.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

Yirikan's ultimate aim is to create a micro-project fund to benefit the local populations around the Parc National des Deux Balé. As a first step, they decided it was necessary to carry out a project called the Toukan Festival, an environmental and cultural event designed to raise public awareness through activities for the general public. Strengths : * The variety of activities. * The emphasis placed on communication through brochures, leaflets and social media. * The way potential donors were approached with a request for support (financial or in-kind) and help with implementation.

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