
Local fundraising example:
Futari cum fundraising

Main characteristics

Fundraising method

Charity tea, lunch or dinner
Community contribution
Sales of services



Net fin result (€)




Time investment

48 days

Organisation Malindi Education & Development Association (MEDA)
Website https://medafoundation.org/
Type CBO
Suitability Slightly experienced
Country Kenya
Funding needed for MEDA's community demand driven project activities, especially scholarships and the renovation of a children's playground in Malindi town.
Period of action 1 day
In-kind donations raised


Types of donations

Entrance fees of children playing in community playground. Iftaar dinner where individuals made their donations.

Types of donors

Members of the Malindi community.


In order to increase awareness on MEDA´s many activities and raise funds for especially the scholarship programme and the renovation of the children´s playground an entire day of fundraising among children and their parents, and the community at large was organised.
During the day children were allowed to play after making their donations. In the evening MEDA presented its work to the adults, including the plan for the proposed project. Chief guests also gave their remarks. Donations and pledges were collected immediately afterwards.

Tips and lessons learned

  1. Early preparation prevents last minute decisions which in most cases are not good as they increase cost of operations and frustrations. Therefore, there is a need to start the preparations early enough to prevent this.
  2. The community supports MEDA's activities when they are sensitised and find that there is a positive correlation between the activities and their aspirations.
  3. Involvement of the board of trustees and religious leaders proved to be essential. Networking and wider stakeholder participation is a must in local fundraising.
  4. The awareness com fundraising day proved to be very successful and it has been decided to repeat it as an annual fundraising event during the month of Ramadan.

Review by Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is an excellent example of making use of a festival to raise funds. The activity resulted in a high return on investment. It is also a good example of involving the communituy including children to create awareness for the cause. Another strong point is that the event has been evaluated for future improvements and that the event will be repeated annually. Very important too: there was a follow-up of pledges.

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