Mobilising support example:
Citizenship training school

Organisation Associação de Educadores Populares do Ceará - Movimento Ceará
Country Brazil
Type CSO
Topic Education


In 2017, the Association of Popular Educators of Ceará - Ceará Movement (Associação de Educadores Populares do Ceará - Movimento Ceará) carried out an activity aimed at strengthening civil society organisations in public policy advocacy, as well as in political, institutional and financial sustainability. To this end, they sought to regulate, at municipal level, Federal Law 13019 of 2014, which enacts Brazil’s new Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organisations (known as MROSC), aimed at improving operating conditions for civil society.
Fifty-five civil society organisations were involved in a five-month training process, known as the “Citizenship training school”, creating a participatory process involving three municipalities in the state of Ceará: Tabuleiro do Norte, Limoeiro do Norte and São João do Jaguaribe. In the municipality of Tabuleiro do Norte, this work progressed, leading to the participatory construction of a proposal for the municipal regulation of MROSC, the holding of a public hearing, involving government bodies and civil society, and the approval of a municipal decree in line with federal law.
In order to attain its objectives, a series of strategies and activities were carried out, including: the mobilisation of organisations and partner networks; preparatory meetings for training activities; the drafting of educational materials and their dissemination; the training of a commission to establish dialogue with the public authorities; meetings with the public authorities about the proposed municipal regulatory standard; and preparatory meetings for the public hearing. The methodology was founded on Paulo Freire’s principals of Popular Education, based on collective construction and a reading of the world that considers the reality experienced by the subjects involved as a starting point of the educational process. 
As a result, more than 300 people were involved in activities and 55 civil society organisations were strengthened in relation to popular participatory processes and public policy oversight, democratic management, the socio-political context, political and financial sustainability and the new Regulatory Framework regarding relationships between civil society and the state. Further, advocacy with the executive and legislative authorities occurred in Tabuleiro do Norte through the public hearing and the drafting of a participatory proposal for the municipal regulation of MROSC, through the approval of municipal decree no. 52 of 24 November 2017. Finally, the activities resulted in new links for the Tabuleiro do Norte Federation of Community Associations.

Problem analysis

According to data from research by various institutions there are approximately 400 thousand civil society organisations in Brazil. They form a diverse set of organisations, working in a number of areas, including the defence of rights and causes of public interest. According to the research, approximately 70% of these organisations do not access public resources, raising funds from national or international sources or using their own funds. Profound concerns exist about political and financial sustainability, in particular for small organisations, which, despite the creativity used to guarantee activities are carried out, do not normally rely on financial support for their work, and suffer political persecution and criminalisation.
Among the difficulties identified was a lack of up-to-date regulations for partnerships between civil society and the state. Following a participatory process that involved a representative sample of Brazilian organisations, Federal Law 13019 of 2014 was approved. This standardises and simplifies the rules for partnerships between public authorities and civil society, as well as guaranteeing greater transparency and security in the transfer of public funds to such organisations.
The new legal framework forms a basis for the political strengthening of civil society organisations. Although such normative progress is important, serious problems exist within the current context in Brazil, with significant progress in the criminalisation of civil society organisations, through the opening of investigations against civil society movements and organisations, as well as legislative proposals which establish government control, the closure of councils and agencies for participation (Decree 9759/2019), and the criminalisation of environmental organisations. This has created new challenges, such as the need for the local mobilisation of civil society organisations at state and municipal levels.

Solution analysis

Facing the challenge of this unfavourable national political situation and the loss of rights requires activities such as training civil society organisations so that they understand the progress made under the MROSC law and the need for mobilisation at municipal and state level; the establishment of inter-institutional dialogue to foster a new government culture; conducting periodic studies of the profile of social organisations and the mechanisms to strengthen transparency in Brazil; the construction of common agendas that take account of territorial contexts; and the monitoring of the implementation of Federal Law 13019/2014.

The activity run by the Association of Popular Educators of Ceará - Ceará Movement focused particularly on: training for community associations from three municipalities in the state of Ceará (Tabuleiro do Norte, Limoeiro do Norte and São João do Jaguaribe); networking and mobilisation; and advocacy with the public authorities for the municipal regulation of the MROSC Federal Law in the municipality of Tabuleiro do Norte.
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