The celebration of the International Day for Street Children is an annually occurring event that has been very successful over the past years. Three years ago Street Children Project (SCP) described its activities in Ghana on the International Day of Street Children 2016 (see the example by the same name), when they challenged negative perceptions of street children. This year's theme was: Commit to equality for street children and if you read this new example, you will realise how quickly the campaign has gained support and momentum.
This year the day was celebrated in two major cities of Ghana, Kumasi and Tamale and organisations from both cities joined Street Children Project in the organisation of the day:
. Centre for Development and Policy Advocacy (CEDEPA, Tamale)
. the African Federation for Development and Migration (ADFOM, Tamale)
. Muslim Family Counselling Services (MFCS, Kumasi)
. Centre for Initiative Against Human Trafficking (CIATH, Tamala)
. StreetInvest (Accra)
As usual, the initiative was also supported by Dutch charity Adamfo Ghana.
SCP and its partners want to make an even bigger impact in the future. In order to do so a number of their staff members last year attended the ‘Mobilising Support’ course, offered by The Change the Game Academy of Wilde Ganzen. They aim to do a critical evaluation of the project impact and write a protocol that can be used for future years and by other partners in the field to organise similar activities.
Problem analysis
In Ghana, the Department of Social Welfare reveals that more than 33,000 children are living in the streets, particularly, in the urban centres of the country. Rapid urbanisation and the associated harsh socio-economic conditions of poor urban households have compelled many children to make a living in the streets. Aside being denied formal education, these children in the streets tend to endure harsh weather conditions and sometimes suffer physical and sexual abuse in the course of their daily struggles. These notwithstanding, much attention has not been paid to their plight by policy makers and duty bearers.
Solution analysis
The 9th International Day for Street Children took place on 12th April 2019, providing a platform for millions of street children around the world to speak out so that their rights cannot be ignored. Every year support is growing, and the day is now celebrated in over 130 countries by street children, NGOs, celebrities, policy makers, businesses, and individuals around the world.
The ultimate goal of SCP and its partners is to considerably reduce the incidence of child streetism and school drop-out in Ghana's urban centres.
One of the most effective means to draw attention to this goal is the yearly campaign on the International Day of Street Children. In 2019 the direct reach will be approximately 40.000 people - being stakeholders, schoolchildren, teachers, and staff of 30+ schools, street children, students of the university, churches, community leaders, and the general public through coverage on TV, radio and other media.
Stakeholder analysis
Which stakeholders (NGO’s, government, private sector) did you identify as allies and how did you involve them?
Policy makers; duty bearers; civil society actors; parents/guardians; schoolchildren, teachers and staff of 30+ schools; street children; students of the university; churches; community leaders; and the general public.
Short description of the organisation implementing the action/campaign
Street Children Project (SCP) is a non-governmental and non-profit-making organisation owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, Ghana. The project is concerned about the plight of street children and vulnerable youth on the streets of Ghana. Since its establishment, SCP has been providing various rehabilitation services to children who live on the streets of Kumasi. Services provided include fieldwork and street corner education, counselling, drop in centre for the children, vocational skill training, sponsorship for education, basic education (literacy, mathematics, English), day-care centre for street toddlers, counselling services, reintegration into families and communities and follow-up visits to families and schools where children are reintegrated or enrolled.
Action period
Starting early March and culminating on April 12, 2019
▪To raise awareness among key stakeholders (i.e. policy makers, duty bearers, civil society actors as well as parents, guardians and the general public) about the plight of street children in the society and the need for action.
▪ To provide a common platform for key stakeholders and the street children themselves to deliberate and come out with actionable recommendations on how the problem of child streetism can be addressed in a sustainable way.
▪ To empower the target group of children on the streets of Ghana and increase capacity of staff/grow as an organisation in order to make a bigger impact with future advocacy projects.
Description of implementation
➢ Outreach in schools/churches/mosques: As part of this project, the project team visited schools, churches and mosques in and around Tamale, the northern Region of Ghana. They were joined by a number of former street children who have been supported by the project and who are in school now. The children talked to their peers about their personal experiences, with the aim to discourage them to drop out of school and go to the streets. In a period of one month previous to the celebration, 20 schools have been visited.
➢ Stakeholder Forum: On the 12th April, the International Day itself, the partners for the first time held a Stakeholder Forum in Tamale. This forum hosted major stakeholders, namely national and regional politicians, policy makers, traditional authorities, religious leaders, educationists, the media, state institutions and CSOs working with children and the street children themselves. The forum deliberated and came out with actionable recommendations which were captured in a communiqué to be presented to policy makers.
➢ Demonstration/mass march: March by street children, staff of partners and other supporters in Kumasi. Use of banners, placards, music and speakers system to call for attention. Other NGO’s working with street children in and around Tamale were invited to join. Banners were put at several points in the cities and flyers handed out to the public. Students from the University in Kumasi (KNUST), Tamale Technical University and the University for Development Studies were recruited as ambassadors to disseminate information about the plight of street children. Also, media and reporters from newspapers, tv and radio were invited to cover the march. They have also been invited to do news stories on the children’s lives more often during the run up to the march, or afterwards.
➢ Street Children Forum, Kumasi: The first Children's Forum, organised by SCP, was held on April 30. 60-100 children were invited and shared their stories and their dreams. They also gave recommendations on what should be done for them by civil society organisations, and government. The comments and stories have been collected and will be presented to the Regional Minister's Office in Ashanti Kumasi.
➢ Media advocacy: Different media stations were invited to take live coverage of all the events that took place in Tamale. A radio panel discussion and TV documentary were broadcasted. Newsletters on the International Day have been brought online on different websites. At the Children's Forum radio stations and TV came to cover the event and broadcasted it on radio and television.
➢ Empowerment of target group: Some of the children in street situation were supported to give a speech during the stakeholder forum claiming their rights towards politicians and policy makers. Also, T-shirts were handed out to street children to increase their visibility. Street children have been made aware of their rights and ability to speak up for themselves. The partners organised workshops, training and support for the children who were involved in visiting the different schools and locations and giving speeches during the events. These activities usually give a huge boost to the self-confidence of the children involved, and empowers them to stand up for their rights in needed situations.
Description of activities
Amount in GHC
Preparatory expenses
1.Organisation & Communication
GHC 3500
2. Transportation (Child Ambassadors and staff to schools, churches, mosques, etc)
GHC 2000
3. T-shirts for staff and beneficiaries
GHC 1800
4. Banners and flyers
GHC 1750
5. Food and drinks for celebration 12th of April
GHC 1600
6. Appreciation
GHC 400
Stakeholder forum expenses
7. Program venue
GHC 700
8. T &T for participants (50 people)
GHC 1000
9. T &T for media personnel (2)
GHC 200
10. Food and water for participants (50)
GHC 750
11. Banners and flyers
GHC 700
12. Mobility (van) and public address system
GHC 1100
13. Security (4 persons)
GHC 800
14. Music band
GHC 500
15. Water and feeding participants
GHC 3000
Media advocacy
16. Radio Airtime for public education (2 times)
GHC 800
Support and organisational development
17. Workshops for Child Ambassadors
GHC 2000
GHC 22.600
(= 4045 euros)