Mobilising support example:
New pit latrines for Kiboha Primary School

Organisation Kabarole NGOs and CBOs Association (KANCA)
Country Uganda
Type Network of NGOs and CBOs
Topic Education


The toilet block of Kiboha Primary School had caved in and could no longer be used. 430 pupils started using the 2 staff toilets or retreated to the nearby bushes. There were concerns about privacy, bad behaviour and the government that required all schools to have proper latrines at the start of the 2021 academic year. NGO network KANCA made an inventory of the problem and the solution, together with all stakeholders. A committee for resource mobilisation was formed and successfully involved both the parents and the community at large. When together they managed to buy the building materials, the district government constructed a new toilet block for both boys and girls.

Problem analysis

The pit latrine at Kiboha Primary School had curved in, leaving 430 pupils with no choice but to share the latrines with the teaching staff. This created competition; students would line up to use the facility and others would use the nearby bushes. The staff switched to using the latrines of neighbours as a way of avoiding to compete with learners for the same latrines.
In light of the above, the boys and girls started sharing the same facility, which raised concerns about privacy for the learners but also the impending bad behaviour that could crop up as a result of sharing the facilities.
The learners were also using the long queues as an excuse to miss lessons.
Finally, government was not allowing schools to stay open without latrines.

Solution analysis

Construction of pit latrine stances for both boys and girls.
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