Mobilising support example:
Water and sanitation facilities for schools

Organisation Western Water and Sanitation Forum
Country Kenya
Type NGO
Topic Water and Sanitation


Western Water and Sanitation Forum (WEWASAFO) took part in a Mobilising Support course, given by Change the Game Academy partner for Kenya KCDF. In their next project they decided to put the things they learned into practice. They brought together a number of actors: Government of Kenya, parents, a corporate, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and grant makers. This action resulted in the installation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools and communities. The concept is working so well that WEWASAFO is quite excited about it.

Problem analysis

Poor water and sanitation facilities in schools in the western part of Kenya.

Solution analysis

To address the problem, WEWASAFO brought together a number of actors: Government of Kenya, parents, a corporate, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and grant makers. The action resulted in the installation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools and communities.
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