
Operations Manual


An operations manual, also called standard operating procedure, is a document describing the standard operating procedures of a program. It focuses on explaining the steps needed to conduct the activities of the program efficiently. It also outlines the goals and the resources needed for the program.


This toolkit is useful when an organisation:

  • needs to have documentation for it's programs for both internal and external purposes.
  • would like to expand and needs standard operation procedures to be able to replicate their program in other locations.

La finalité

In eight steps we will help you to break the processes of a program into manageable parts. Here you’ll find a step-by-step guide, tools, examples and other resources for making an operations manual.

Ce que vous obtenez

Know how:

  • an overview of how to make a standard operation manual step-by-step


  • a program manual of a girls empowerment and lifeskill building program


  • a worksheet to list and evaluate all problems identified in a stakeholder assessment
  • a worksheet to guide you in a feasibility study of a program

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Change the Game Academy cours en ligne Mobilisation des ressources local, Mobilisation du soutien, boîtes à outils, exemples et centre des ressources crée par Wilde Ganzen Foundation est autorisé sous une Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.