Know How

Participatory action research

Étape 3: Define who should be involved

Define roles
The uniqueness of participatory action research is that the stakeholders involved in the intervention or project are part of the research, with an emphasis on the beneficiary community. The community members become researcher as well as participant. It is helpful to define the roles clearly, when you have a meeting. The same person from the community may play different roles at different times.

Identify and involve all stakeholders
To start, it is a good idea to make a stakeholder list or map with the community, using this worksheet. Include right-holders of the problem or solution, for example village elders, local administration, civil society organisations (faith based organisations, youth groups, women groups, self-help groups, human rights groups, etc.), business community, institutions of learning.  

Use the participation ladder to decide how to involve the different stakeholders in the research. Ideally the right-holders should be in level 5, but at minimum at level 3.