Know How

Participatory action research

Étape 4: Plan the research process

Moving without a plan can bring you where you don’t want to be.

Explanation planning of research

Everybody in the community can contribute in participatory action research; as researcher, data analyst, as well as information source and data collector. By taking up different roles, people exchange knowledge and increase capacities. Sharing the outcome of the research with the community is equally important. 

Planning the action research

Research phase What Who
Planning phase: Identifying the problem and designing the research Identifying the issue:
  • Analyse the situation with the target population
  • Identify problems and solutions
Research design:
  • Define/explain the research topic
  • Collect all existing information 
  • Decide how many people will be included and geographical focus
  • Develop the planning with the communicty members)
  • Resources
  • Beneficiaries of the research
  • Decision making structure
  • Describe any ethical issues when relevant
Researchers together with community members
Action phase:
Data collection
    Choose and implement the data collection methodologies, such as social mapping, resource mapping, matrix ranking, questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, observatory methodology (e.g. making videos, pictures) etc.
Researcher or data collector together with the community
Analysis phase:
Data analysis
    Analyse the quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (narrative) results of the research. You can do this manually or if possible using the technology. Look at both expected and unexpected results.
Data analist
Conclusion phase: Reporting and evaluation Report the results and give these back to community:
  • Choose reporting format. What is the best way to share the results with the community members?
  • Common themes: how to summarise and report them back to the communities?

Evaluation with partners and stakeholders:
  • Evaluate effectiveness of the research with the community