
Module 1: Basics of local fundraising

This module introduces why local fundraising is important for an organisation and provides a quickscan to assess your own situation.

NOTE: If you have trouble going through this course online, you can download the PDF of this first module.


When CSOs (civil society organisations) increase and diversify their income via community philanthropy, they become stronger, more autonomous and shift the power from foreign donors to the community, where it belongs.

What you get

Know how:
various reasons for starting with local fundraising

a quick scan where your organisation stands in relation to diversifying its sources of income

After finishing this module and passing a brief exam, you can download an accredited NCOI University of Applied Science (Netherlands) certificate for free. Note: in order to take the exam and purchase the certificate, you need to be signed in.

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy e-learning courses Local Fundraising, Mobilising Support, toolkits, examples and resource center by Wilde Ganzen Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.