

Local Fundraising Philantrophy

Philanthropy in Brazil: a working paper


This report aims to throw light on current developments in, obstacles to, and possibilities for philanthropy in Brazil, especially highlighting innovations and new initiatives. This has been done partly through looking at existing research, but mainly through a series of conversations with 18 philanthropy experts who have been trying to promote, support or strengthen different areas of philanthropy in the country.
The areas covered include various forms of giving by the wealthy, including corporate philanthropy, family foundations and impact investing, social justice philanthropy, community philanthropy, and giving by ordinary individuals.
The report is structured around the following questions:
• How is the political situation in Brazil affecting the philanthropic sector?
• What currently exists in terms of philanthropy in Brazil?
• What is driving the growth of philanthropy in Brazil?
• What is hindering the development of philanthropy in Brazil?
• What is the potential of philanthropy in Brazil?


A well-written and well-structured paper, with views and opinions obtained from 18 philanthropy experts.



Author: Caroline Hartnell and Andrew Milner

Publisher/source/organization: Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace www.psjp.org

Place and year of issue: London 2018

Type: Research report

Country/region: Latin America Brazil

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