Know How

Central Filing System

Step 2: Assessment

  • Get to know the organisation’s work and understand how it functions (if you are not working in the organisation).
  • The first step for putting in place filing systems that work is to reach a clear understanding of what information needs to be managed. In other words, don’t go out and buy a server because someone told you every office has one these days. Instead, think about what the office staff finds most frustrating and difficult. Does their email keep closing them out because their inboxes are too full? Did someone’s computer crash, resulting in the loss of crucial data? This would mean that you have a need for centralized information storage and for a back-up procedure to ensure that data isn’t lost.  The better you understand the operational needs that underlie your technology choices, the better the chance that you will make successful choices. It is necessary to involve the leaders and key staff of an organisation in this process.
  • Interview the organisation's staff to assess what kind of documents are created on a regular basis and how they are currently being filed.
  • Another approach, which can be quite effective, is to contact other organisations like yours to find out how they solved the same problem. They will be able to give you more in-depth feedback on what works and what doesn’t. They will also be able to save you time by sharing the options they researched and didn’t choose, along with their reasons why.