Know How

Child protection policy

Step 11: Communicate the 'keep children safe' message

Guaranteeing children are safeguarded in your organisation can only be reached if you communicate your policies and procedures effectively to your staff, parents and children. In this step, you’ll find guidelines for communicating with parents and caretakers and communicating with children. You can take up these guidelines in your Child Protection Policy.

Communicating with children demands at least these skills of your staff:

  1. Listening
  2. Finding out what makes children feel safe
  3. Creating safe areas
  4. Identifying safe behaviour
  5. Empowering children and young people
  6. Encouraging children to speak out and make complaints
  7. Recognising they are sometimes vulnerable; making sure children recognise that they may be targeted by abusers and helping them to protect themselves

Communicating with children
Communicating with parents and caretakers