Know How

Formal Meeting Structure

Step 1: Notice and Structure

The step-by-step guide can be printed at the last page of 'Know How'. To get there you need to go through each step by clicking the blue arrow on the righthand side of the menu.

  • Give notice of the meeting in writing. Do this in due time. It is advisable to give 21 days notice for a General Meeting and seven days for a Board Meeting.
  • Sent the agenda (list of items to be discussed/resolved) along with the notice, as it allows the members to prepare for the meeting.
  • Allocate time for each agenda item. This will help control the length of the meeting and ensure that the focus remains on the items being discussed.
  • Make sure the agenda for the board reflects the specific tasks that the board needs to perform in the different quarters of the year. For example, budget approval should be done in January – March.
  • Attach the minutes of the previous meeting for perusal. This gives members the chance to bring up anything they do not understand or disagree with.
  • Watch this great short video by Goldman Sachs about running effective Board Meetings: