Know How

Social entrepreneurship

Step 8: Prototype: test, and test again!

After completing your Business model canvas, it is time to share it with the world around you. Prototyping is a good way testing your product.

Prototyping is a test-run of your new idea or product. It is an easy way of getting feedback from your potential clients. With your prototype you improve your product before you bring it on to the market. It reduces the chance of failure of your business case, because you get direct feedback about the strengths and the weaknesses of your idea.

Examples of prototyping:
  • A presentation of your idea for colleagues, with a request for feedback;
  • A presentation of your idea for your target group, with a request for feedback;
  • Co-creation of new ideas together with your target group;
  • Online: a fictional newsletter to see how many people subscribe, and therefore are interested in your idea;
  • To have pilot training activities, evaluate and adjust if needed.